Are You Jealous Of Other Peoples Cheekbones?

Whether you are male or female, you can grab some tips and techniques here that can help you help you lose cheek fat, create a sharper jawline and sculpt sexy-looking cheekbones.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Is Your Face a Couch Potato

The latest workout craze is Facial Fitness, according to Beth Teitell, Boston Herald newspaper writer and NPR commentator. "Your butt, it turns out, doesn't have the only cheeks that need exercise", she writes when interviewing Cynthia Rowland, facial fitness coach. Cynthia explains, "There are 55 muscles in your face and neck and they atrophy from disuse. If they don't get exercise, you are going to resemble your great-aunt Hilda."

Finally, fitness mania is now complete with the acceptance of facial exercise as a bone fide alternative to facial plastic surgery that helps every person over the age of 25 look years younger. It's about time, after all, for the face to be included in every exercise routine because the face has muscles just like the rest of the body.

Watch out, plastic surgeons! Cynthia Rowland is on a mission to make certain every man and woman over knows their face can be saved with resistance exercises that will lift tone and tighten every area of the face.

We see aging in our faces when nasal labial folds develop between our nose and mouth or maybe it's a double chin that tells the world you're aging. Each area of the face can blatantly shout that Mother Nature is having her way with your good looks as sagging and droopiness become apparent in our faces. Imagine soft, flabby facial muscles becoming strong again as pouches, forehead lines and double chins are targeted and strengthened. When you tone and firm the facial muscles, the youthful contours of your face return so you look younger, healthier and fresher.

The facial muscles are structurally different than say the muscles in our arms and legs; those muscles are long and thick plus they're connected to bone on both ends. Muscles in the face connect to bone on one end so when exercising your face, you will need to create an artificial anchor, using your thumbs and fingers to achieve resistance. This slow and steady resistance will allow an isometric contraction to develop in the facial muscles so they lift, reshape and contour.

Resistance and isometric training are essential components to lift and tone the face with facial exercise. Not all facial exercise programs offer this type of specialized facial contouring; remember if there is no resistance, the movement is considered a contortion. These movements help your face to regain youthfulness and vitality so you appear healthier, less stressed and younger. These specialized techniques are easy to learn and once you learn them, the technology is yours forever.

There are three likely choices when you see aging in your face:

1. Do nothing and let the forces of nature continue unabated.

2. Spend your children's inheritance on costly, painful and risky surgical procedures every few years that may or may not produce the desired effect.

3. Reclaim your natural youthful beauty with a proven facial exercise program!

If you answered yes to the question, "Is Your Face a Couch Potato" the solution is at your fingertips! Using just your thumbs, fingers and your white exercise gloves, your face will look like it did 10-15 years ago.

Cynthia Rowland is widely recognized as an expert in all natural facial fitness with over thirty years experience in health & beauty related fields. She has appeared on The View, Fit TV, HGTV and other popular shows. This author, speaker and television personality is leading the crusade to keep men and women looking vibrantly younger through natural techniques without spending their children?s inheritance.

Cynthia Rowland

?I Save Faces?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Zia Natural Skincare Ultimate Toning Mist for Normal/Oily Skin - 4 fl oz

Zia Natural Skincare Ultimate Toning Mist for Normal/Oily Skin - 4 fl oz

Balances & Refreshes with Lycopene & DMAE

  • Refines pores and controls oil
  • Antioxidants protect and correct
  • Firms and smoothes lines with DMAE

Refreshes and controls oil while firming skin and refining pores. Lycopene, vitamins, and alpha lipoic acid protect skin and fight signs of aging.

cruelty free

Price: $19.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Friday, October 8, 2010

Face Exercises – A Natural Way To Keep Your Face In Shape

Face exercises are gaining popularity with men and women who want a youthful looking face.

You might already have been exercising to keep your body well toned and in good shape. If so, you probably know that exercise helps to tone your muscles, and give you a better posture and body figure.

Since exercise benefits the body, fitness experts are now doing facial exercises to keep the face in shape.

As you age, the face muscles weaken due to wear and tear. The muscles underneath the facial skin lose the firmness, causing your facial features to sag. You might notice the tell tale signs of droopy eyes, cheek pouches and hanging jowls. Those once attractive cheekbones have disappeared, and you seem to have a flat, wide face.

I am sure you would have realized that, doing facials at the beauty salon, and applying skin care products can not completely solve the problem of a older looking face caused by sagging facial muscles.

No one can stop the aging process. But the good news is, there are special exercises for the face to help tone and strengthen the face muscles.

Doing the specific face exercises can help address some of these common beauty problems.

Signs of aging – wrinkles, crow feet, frown linesChubby cheeksDouble chinSagging jowlsDull skin tone

When exercising the face, the objective is to strengthen the facial muscles and to lose the fat. When you have successfully reduced the excess face fat and tone up the facial muscles, you will see a noticeable change in your face contour. Your cheekbones start to show and your jawline becomes more prominent.

Some face exercise programs might include a diet plan, aerobic exercise, meditation or relaxation techniques. Such holistic approach increases the overall effectiveness of your workout. And you begin to see results sooner than you would, if you perform only the face exercises.

When you exercise the face, you improve the blood circulation flowing to the face, neck and scalp of your head. This permits more oxygen and nutrients to reach the cells. Both elements are essential building blocks for the renewal of healthy skin cells.

In addition, exercising the face promotes detoxification in the facial tissues. Movements in the face muscles stimulate the lymphatic system to remove toxins and excess fluid. This helps to reduce puffiness in the face and bags under the eyes, caused by water retention. Overtime, you will find you have clearer skin and a healthy glowing complexion.

If you have always wanted a lean, attractive and younger looking face, try out face exercises for yourself. Choose a face workout that is right for you. Make it part of your face care routine. Your consistent effort will be rewarded.

Face exercises just take up 15-20 minutes of your time everyday. Even though it is not a quick fix for saggy facial muscles, you would get noticeable results after a period of regular workout. It is possible to have a younger looking face with face exercise.

View the original article here

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Non Surgical Face Lift - Your Options - Part 2

At some point, we all find ourselves wondering how to deal with those wrinkles that have appeared on our face. Surgical facelifts aren't always the best option! Previously we looked at three popular non surgical face lift procedures. Let's look at a few more.

1. Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a popular non surgical option that's not only quick it's also affordable. A laser sends brief pulses of heat energy from the laser light. This light absorbs water and other substances from the skin, which destroys the top layer of skin. When the skin starts to heal, new skin appears, the wrinkles have disappeared, and you look years younger.

This is a very precise so there is little damage to the tissue surrounding the area. You will be given a local anesthetic and you might also be given a sedative medication. The time it takes to heal will vary depending on your particular treatment. It is commonly used in the treatment of wrinkles on the face, and the results are impressive.

2. Wrinkle Cream

Quality wrinkle cream can substantially reduce fine lines and wrinkles. You should not have to wait months to see results. You should see almost instant results, and then there may be long term improvements that build over time.

The hardest part about choosing the best wrinkle cream is finding a quality cream that works. A common mistake is thinking if you pay more, it works better. That's not so. You need to do your research.

The goal of anti wrinkle cream is to make your skin look fresher and younger and there are many products on the market that can do that, so it pays to look for and use the wrinkle cream products that works best.

3. Face Lift Facial Exercises

Face lift facial exercises are a very simple thing to do, which has no costs associated with them. Did you know that there are 44 muscles in the face? Toning up these muscles is like having a natural face lift and your skin will look smoother, brighter, and younger.

There are exercises for every part of your face - forehead, cheeks, lips, neck, chin, and of course the eyes and crow's feet. It takes only a little practice to master most of these, with the crows feet exercise being the hardest.

The most difficult part of the facial exercises is staying focused and doing them every day. Try to set up a routine. All you need is 5 to 10 minutes each day and it doesn't matter if it's in the morning or at night.

Once you start to see the results, you'll have a lot more initiative to carry on. With no cost, and only a few minutes a day you can watch the years disappear. Imagine if you combined this with a good anti wrinkle cream.

Taking care of your skin and eliminating wrinkles doesn't have to be costly, painful, or risky. Between two articles, we've given you some great ideas. Why not get busy and try them?

Want to look younger? Then get the wrinkle creams that have been called the 'nonsurgical face lift in a jar.' See these reviews of the wrinkle creams that work at Marcus Ryan's site which reviews the top rated and best antiaging wrinkle cream that gives results in minutes. See yourself look years younger with these wrinkle creams that work.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Natural Wrinkle Cure **Hot Niche - *High Conversions* Low Returns

Hot Niche! Billion $$ market. *Beware* Of High Returns! Face & Neck Aerobics Has *No Returns* - Instant Video Download, Converts at avg 6%, Affordable For Anyone, Proven Clinical Trials.

Check it out!

Non Surgical Facelift at Home

You're looking for a non surgical facelift at home because you want to lose your chubby cheeks and your double chin fast. I know a way to do this within a month.

Why non surgical facelift at home?

If I am right then the reasons you want a facelift is because you have a fat double chin or chubby cheeks but you have a skinny body. And you want to have a well sculpted face with high cheekbones and a well defined jaw line which would make you more attractive.

The benefits of having a non surgical facelift at home, is because you:

1. Don't have to spend thousands of dollars on risky surgeries,
2. You don't have the fuss of going to a clinic, or hospital.

No need to spend a lot of time, money or energy

There is a simple way that do not require you to buy any cream or face lotions or pay over $5,000 for plastic surgery, and you don't even need to do full body exercises/workout.

You just need to exercise your face

You only need to exercise your face and follow a specialized diet plan. The reason why skinny people can have a fat face is because there is a difference between your face muscles and your body muscles. Think about it this way, in order for you to get a toned and well defined body you need to do exercise and work out for your body, the same thing applies for your face, although you have to exercise them separately.

A non surgical facelift at home simply requires you to exercise your face consistently everyday.

Did You Know That Fat From Your Face Can Be Removed Without Surgery?

Have people been noticing that you have facial fat? You don't have to keep avoiding cameras, feeling embarrassed about your photos. There are facial exercises that have been proven to work! These facial exercises are developed by an expert in the modeling and magazine industry. Click Here! to find out how you can start doing something about your facial fat today and achieve a toned, more lean and sexier look within 4 weeks.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chin Exercises Work!

Did you know that Chin exercises actually help chubby faces, chins, or sagging necks? It's true that you can work on getting your face toned. Your cheek bones will become more prominent and help to make you a lot younger looking.
Facial toning is easy, and you can do it right in the privacy of your own home. You can even do it in your car, on your way to work, or when you are in the bathroom.
Start doing your chin exercises now and get the face you deserve. It's easy and anyone can do it, no surgery needed!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Facial Exercises To Tone Sagging Neck Throat

Facial toning is defined as a cosmetic procedure that increases muscle tone in the face. The results are an increased facial volume and reduced wrinkles, expression marks and sagging in the face. There are two ways in which facial toning can be achieved, either through active exercise or passive exercise. Active exercising consists of a person performing repetitious, voluntary contractions of specific muscle groups in the face. With the use of a mirror a person is able to look at their face and target certain muscles to exercise. Passive exercising consists of using electro-stimulation to the skeletal muscles in the face. By using metal electrodes covered in conductive gel, the electrodes are placed on the specific muscle groups in the face. When the small waves of electricity are sent into the muscle groups it causes stimulation and contractions of the muscles.

Loose and saggy skin on the neck and under the chin is a common problem. It may appear after weight loss, or is simply inherited in out genetics and appears as we get older. Cosmetic surgery is one solution, but can takes weeks for full recovery. Alternative treatments include neck firming cream, neck exercises, and electronic stimulation of muscles to tone the neck area and lift sagging skin.

Here are some simple exercises that you can use to dispose of chin fat and tone the muscles of your jaw and upper throat:

* It's true that liposuction removes chin fat, but it is an invasive surgery. There is the risk of being left with physical damage or an uneven or lumpy appearance under the chin, because liposuction is not a precise art. Before undergoing liposuction, you should also consider the cost and the fact that although some of the fat is gone, without a weight loss or maintenance diet and sufficient exercise, your body will still store fat under your chin, and you'll end up with a new double chin.

* By losing weight, performing aerobic exercise, and strengthening the muscles under your chin and your jaw you will lose the extra baggage your body carries, including your double chin!

* While sitting or standing, tilt your head towards the ceiling, keeping your lips naturally closed, but not clamped shut. Begin a chewing movement. Repeat this exercise twenty times-make sure you can feel the muscles moving.

* Sit upright. Then tilt your head so that you are looking up at the ceiling. Until now, your lips should have been together, without being forced shut. Now bring your lower lip over your upper lip as far as you can. Hold this position for a count of five. Return to the normal position. Repeat the exercise ten times.

* While sitting or standing, gently turn your head to the left, keeping your chin steady, until you feel your muscles stretched. Hold this position for a count of five. Then move your head gently to the right, again until you feel a stretching sensation, and hold for a count of five. Repeat the exercise thrice.

Facial exercises specifically designed to firm and tighten the skin on the neck and throat can really improve the appearance of your neck. For maximum results, dedicate 10 to 15 minutes every day for a month for completing your exercises. After this time, you may reduce to exercising the facial muscles 3 or 4 times a day.

About the author:
Sophia is living in the United States. Sophia is the part of Sooper Articles authors community since July 02nd 2009 and has published 50 articles.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Facial Exercise: Tighten Face With Chin Exercise

With this exercise, you will be rest assured that you can diminish your double chin in no time. Doing this will tone a particular underlying muscle laid hidden in your chin area.

Start off by lying on the floor with your back. Keep your head up. Try to touch your chin to your chest. It's almost like doing a sit up...but you are not working your abs. Do about 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. For maximum results, do this everyday morning or night.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easy Facial Toning tips

Incorporating facial toning exercises into your daily routine is easy. When nobody is around, perform the two tips below:

Tip #1

Smile Often-I mean bring those cheeks up and show your teeth! This simple and natural exercise of the face can help strengthen the Buccinator muscle in the cheek area.

Tip #2

Whistle-I hope you know how to whistle! Whistling ca be a form of facial toning exercise that uses your facial muscles. Throughout the day, try whistling more.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Double Chin: Good Skincare Is Crucial!

If you take good care of your skin on your face and lower chin area, you can help decrease the appearance of an unsightly double chin. You see, your skins elasticity (amount of stretch that an object contains)breaks down naturally as you get older. The loose skin gets mixed together with the underlying skin on your neck and creates that unwanted double chin. Sadly, people who are not even overweight can produce a double chin.

Contributors to double chins:

1) Smoking (loss of collagen)

2) Sun exposure ( breaks down elasticity)

Guys...get in the habit of taking care of your skin. Apply vitamin C creams and alpha hydroxy acids to your face and neck area. Do not let the word acid in hydroxy acids scare you- these are good acids for your skin derived from fruits. Apply these products every morning and evening.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Facial Muscle Exercises and Facial Toning Exercises to Help You Look Your Best!

Facial Muscle Exercises and Facial Toning Exercises - How the two go hand in hand to help you look your most ultimate best!

We all might not know much about these exercises, but what has been known and proven through science is that these facial toning exercises DO work to help you shed any fat from your face. So how can these face exercises help you or anyone you know to look their most ultimate best?

Well, first of all there are over 56 muscles in the human face. Just as you can work out literally ANY part of your body's muscles to grow, expand and take better shape, so can you the same for your facial muscles!

There are many face and neck exercises that you can start doing right NOW to help your face look more pronounced, etc. If you wanted to sculpt truly amazing and higher cheekbones, you can do so, literally almost within a week!

Here are some tips to help you get started today to help build a beautiful and totally stunning face!

1. SWEAT! Just a simple thing as sweating can have a profound impact on the look and shape of your face! You should also be aware that the sweat actually helps you lose fat around your face and neck areas. So your new best friend should be that sauna or steamroom at your local gym.

2. Some general working out should do wonders for you and your body AND your face! Think some interval cardio training and such. Also, some push-ups can do wonders for your face and neck muscles! And don't forget to perform at least 20 minutes each and everyday of your life!

3. Performing some simple oblique side crunches alone can greatly help you get in the facial fitness shape that you deserve!

If you are a man and you wanted to sculpt an amazing chiseled jawline, then that also can be yours in a matter of a few weeks! The best part of face exercises is that when you get started and actually start seeing results, you will simply be amazed at how amazing your face will actually start looking. So amazed that you might even begin to get hooked on these facial muscle exercises and facial toning exercises.

There are many simple exercises that go hand in hand with these facial muscle exercises and facial toning exercises that can assist in helping you get the perfectly beautiful and sculpted appearance you've always wanted. Such exercises include oblique side crunch sit-ups and even push ups! Doing a simple set of at least 100 side oblique crunches daily can really help you up the ante in achieving your facial fitness dreams and goals.

Along with facial muscle exercises and facial toning exercises the sky's the limit as to how beautiful or handsome you can become.

Facial muscle exercises have been used by Hollywood celebrities, plastic surgeons and everyday individuals like yourself to help build confidence and self esteem!

Facial Toning Exercises Click here for them!

Joey Capone is also the Editor in Chief of Men's Health Zine, which can be found at

Article Source:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Toned Face!

Photo from

The most desired cheekbones in women: Halle Berry

She gotta toned face doesn't she!!!

Not sure if she had any work done on her face...maybe a chemical peel. But one thing is for sure though- she has some good genes.

The Misconception Of Facial Toning

Many people think that face fat can be diminished only by facial exercises alone. That is entirely not true. Although facial exercises help strengthen the muscles in your face, you have to do more than just facial exercises to get the results you are looking for to get that toned face. Here they are:

1) Facial exercises
2) Diet
3) Cardiovascular exercise

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We neglect these important muscles: Our facial muscles!

Let’s face it…Most of us want to look good, don’t we? For some of us, working out and exercising at the gym to build the bodies we want is something we strive for. We work hard for it!.

Well, we should keep in mind that the muscles in our face need toning and strengthening too. It will definitely help us look more refreshed, healthier, and definitely more attractive. Now, facial toning is not just for aging folks-but for people of all ages who seem to experience the affects of mild aging. Whether it be a double chin, droopy cheeks, or a sagging jawline, facial toning should be incorporated into your work outs. Young teens as well as men and women in their early 30’s can do it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Raise those cheeks!

Cheek Exercise:
Place three fingers from each hand and lay them on top of your cheeks. Press down on your cheeks while at the same time raising your cheeks to the sky. You should feel your cheeks contracting- hold for a count of three and relax. Do 5 sets of 10 repetitions. Be sure to rest 10 seconds after each set.

Face Fitness Center

What facial toning can do for you...

We all know that exercising your muscles (arms, triceps, legs, etc.) is a great way to be healthier. It helps increase strength, energy, promotes better athletic performance and increases metabolism. Sadly, exercising the face is one part of the body many people neglect.

Many people do not realize the value of exercising their facial muscles- It can lift up sagging skin for a more youthful and wrinkle-free appearance. I hope everyone gets into the habit of incorporating some kind facial toning in their workouts.