Are You Jealous Of Other Peoples Cheekbones?

Whether you are male or female, you can grab some tips and techniques here that can help you help you lose cheek fat, create a sharper jawline and sculpt sexy-looking cheekbones.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Facial Exercises To Tone Sagging Neck Throat

Facial toning is defined as a cosmetic procedure that increases muscle tone in the face. The results are an increased facial volume and reduced wrinkles, expression marks and sagging in the face. There are two ways in which facial toning can be achieved, either through active exercise or passive exercise. Active exercising consists of a person performing repetitious, voluntary contractions of specific muscle groups in the face. With the use of a mirror a person is able to look at their face and target certain muscles to exercise. Passive exercising consists of using electro-stimulation to the skeletal muscles in the face. By using metal electrodes covered in conductive gel, the electrodes are placed on the specific muscle groups in the face. When the small waves of electricity are sent into the muscle groups it causes stimulation and contractions of the muscles.

Loose and saggy skin on the neck and under the chin is a common problem. It may appear after weight loss, or is simply inherited in out genetics and appears as we get older. Cosmetic surgery is one solution, but can takes weeks for full recovery. Alternative treatments include neck firming cream, neck exercises, and electronic stimulation of muscles to tone the neck area and lift sagging skin.

Here are some simple exercises that you can use to dispose of chin fat and tone the muscles of your jaw and upper throat:

* It's true that liposuction removes chin fat, but it is an invasive surgery. There is the risk of being left with physical damage or an uneven or lumpy appearance under the chin, because liposuction is not a precise art. Before undergoing liposuction, you should also consider the cost and the fact that although some of the fat is gone, without a weight loss or maintenance diet and sufficient exercise, your body will still store fat under your chin, and you'll end up with a new double chin.

* By losing weight, performing aerobic exercise, and strengthening the muscles under your chin and your jaw you will lose the extra baggage your body carries, including your double chin!

* While sitting or standing, tilt your head towards the ceiling, keeping your lips naturally closed, but not clamped shut. Begin a chewing movement. Repeat this exercise twenty times-make sure you can feel the muscles moving.

* Sit upright. Then tilt your head so that you are looking up at the ceiling. Until now, your lips should have been together, without being forced shut. Now bring your lower lip over your upper lip as far as you can. Hold this position for a count of five. Return to the normal position. Repeat the exercise ten times.

* While sitting or standing, gently turn your head to the left, keeping your chin steady, until you feel your muscles stretched. Hold this position for a count of five. Then move your head gently to the right, again until you feel a stretching sensation, and hold for a count of five. Repeat the exercise thrice.

Facial exercises specifically designed to firm and tighten the skin on the neck and throat can really improve the appearance of your neck. For maximum results, dedicate 10 to 15 minutes every day for a month for completing your exercises. After this time, you may reduce to exercising the facial muscles 3 or 4 times a day.

About the author:
Sophia is living in the United States. Sophia is the part of Sooper Articles authors community since July 02nd 2009 and has published 50 articles.


1 comment:

  1. Facial surgery is one of way to provide well cosmetic treatment. It for far time that make effective changes. Information make it excellence.
    facial surgery
